This episode of the 💨Resinate Radio Podcast🎙 features an inside look at the cannabis discourse in Ukraine and what reform needs to happen to ensure this medicine is obtained in plant form - instead of synthetic forms currently under adoption.
Meet Our Panelists:
Molly was born and raised in Kazakhstan and moved to North America 10 years ago. She discovered cannabis as a medicine in Canada and has been advocating for cannabis education and legalization since. She has worked in retail, as well as cultivation areas of the industry. She shares her story openly as a patient and grower hoping to destigmatize the plant.
Currently, Molly is a Managing Partner at Resinate Cannabis Inc in Canada. Resinate Cannabis Inc. provides large-scale cultivation problem-solving services, including Integrated Pest Management Programs, EU-GMP Standard Operating Procedures, Propagation - Vegetation and Flowering Process Improvement, Irrigation Design, Facility Design, Quality Assurance Training and More! To learn more about our team and schedule an introduction meeting: Send us an email at
Allie is a Ukrainian, and a Junior Editor & Content Maker of Ukrainian/Russian cannabis lifestyle magazine TRAVA ("weed" in Russian) and cannabis advocate. You can follow their Instagram @travamag. Alina loves to educate Ukrainian people on cannabis and its medical properties. She hopes that our mutual effort one day will lead to full legalization in Ukraine.
Marie is a Ukrainian activist focusing on human rights, eco and cannabis issues.
💨Resinate Radio Podcast🎙is recorded live on Clubhouse, StreamYard or Zoom! All curated episodes are released on ALL major platforms:
Intro/Outro Music:
Sneaking - jiglr
Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported — CC BY 3.0
Free Download / Stream: